

有时候迫不得已要去英文论坛请教个问题啥的,换了个语种,发帖和灌水咋就那么难呢?总感觉自己写出来就不是English!所以呢,就搜集整理了一下,权当参考。 首先: 论坛一般不叫BBS,因为BBS主要流行于大陆和台湾,以高校为主。论坛是forum,一般会用复数forums表示,因为有多个板块嘛。 帖子不叫post,一般blog中的一篇文章才叫post,论坛里的帖子叫thread,发帖就是post a thread. 内容主题是Topic。 版主,斑竹,坛主等等,一般叫Moderator。 英文论坛里面一般灌纯净水的比较少,所以不要没事就写个up去顶。 缩略词 进入正题,论坛里面经常会使用各种缩略词,罗列一下: OP: Original Poster,就是楼主啦 OT:Off Topic 跑题了 AFAIK:As Far As I Know,据我所知。即使有错也只是俺认识不够嘛 IMHO: In My Humble Opinion,在我看来,谦虚使人进步 ASAP: As Soon As Possible,尽快 AKA: Also Known As, 也就是 OTW: On The Way,在路上,正在的意思 LOL: Laugh Out Loud,大笑 OMG:Oh,My God! OMFG:Oh My Fucking God! n00b:newbie,新手 Guru: 骨灰经的 感谢语: 别人帮助你了,总要感谢一下,英语里面赞美人是最常见的了: YOU’RE  A GENIUS! nice trick nice tips great work That’s exactly what I want. wow, it works.. thx a lot. 骂人的话不用但是也要知道一下: Retarded: 低能儿


翻Gmail的垃圾邮件看到的,写的还蛮有意思的。 Hi, Marko I have a lots of hobbies: cooking, fashion, music, theatres, books, cinema,video but also certainly sports. I regularly go on shaping and sometimes play table tennis. I like to eat healthy food (salads, vegetables, fish, seafood, chicken of course). I am a main cook in our family. I like travelling; however I have never been abroad. I can only dream of it. That is one of my most favourite dreams. You can definitely be the one I was looking for all my life if you like me at least from my little description. I would love to see your pictures, is it possible??? You can share them…

Dive into PASSCAL call

It’s a thread on microsoft.public.vc.mfc group and the orial url is :old skool vc++ 1.0. I will take it as some English discussion material and I has no copyright of the following text. 从中可以看到和只懂C#的人交流寄存器,堆栈是多么困难的事情。Scott McPhilips 和Doug Harrison都是很有耐心的MVP. 最后Doug Harrison的总结似乎也不错。